
Annie M Johnson

August 19, 1960 – May 28, 2020

Annie M Johnson born in Melbourne Florida, raised in Chicago Illinois, now residing in Lansing Illinois. I have since a very early age loved to read any and everything that I could get my hands on. I remember very clearly joking and saying very often after reading books, I can do that, I can write a book. Proving the theory that you can speak things into existence and not even know what you are doing.

It was not until after being laid off from a major company that I asked God what it is that he would have me to do for my career. The very short answer that I received was write. I looked around the room to see whom it was that God was talking to while hoping that he would elaborate on that brief answer. I was the only one in the room and so I determined that he was talking to me. I had to take a sentimental journey for a minute while recalling the words that I spoke regarding writing in the past.

My first book was published in 2005 titled Favor. I did not write again until 2014, when I began to figure out what it is that God knew way before I did.  I have written and  published Holiday Mayhem, Survivor Seduction Aboard the SS Sunshine, and Life’s Song a Miracle. With Peace in The Storm Publishing I have Torn. Torn 2 will be out soon. With Imani Faith Publishing I have Powerful Woman Where Does Your Power Come From?   

I am working on a Historical novel titled Ayanna Intrepidity as well as a Journal/Devotional titled 365 Days of Motivation and Inspiration. I am also working on turning the series Torn into a movie script for television. My purpose and desire is to motivate, inspire and promote positivity.

Books by Annie Johnson:

Love Knows My Name